PinnedI Beg You To Consider Reading What I Desperately Hope Won’t Be My Last MEDIUM ArticleAmericans are Dying in Uncountable Numbers Because their Cause of Death Is Being Listed As “Suicide”, Not “DEA Dictated Pain Medication…Mar 16, 202315Mar 16, 202315
PinnedHope Looks a Little BleakWe had a simple hope. Americans would make the easiest, most logical and humane choice on 11/3.Nov 5, 202015Nov 5, 202015
PinnedSouth Carolina is now Trump HELL For LiberalsMy South Carolina neighbors have increased their shooting. The law here says no one can shoot a firearm within 300 yards of a residence…Oct 25, 202010Oct 25, 202010
Many People Will Die Because of Trump. I Hope I Won’t be One of Them.Can wearing progressive messages EVERY DAY for FIVE YEARS make a difference? I hope so…Nov 12, 20241Nov 12, 20241
REPARATIONS = Inheritance Done EthicallyEvery “white payroll dollar” in America’s history to this day comes substantially from the pockets of slaves and their descendants.Jun 11, 20241Jun 11, 20241
Wanna Know Just How DUMB Trump Is?Trump is S-O-O dumb; he apparently thinks that federal judges want their families’ safety to be at risk.Apr 8, 20241Apr 8, 20241
The Gee! Oh! Pee! Economic Strategy to Promote MAGATranslation: The GOP Economic Strategy to Promote Making America Goofy AlwaysMar 31, 20242Mar 31, 20242
Any Repub Claiming To Not Know the Meaning of WOKE Is Still LYING!The Answer Has Always Been Right In Front of Them…Mar 30, 2024Mar 30, 2024
Living An ElderCare LieWhen Is Caregiving No Longer Strength, But Instead (In One Case) A Form Of Sickness?Oct 9, 20232Oct 9, 20232