10 Commandments in EVERY Classroom!?

foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)
1 min readJun 19, 2024


Never have I written so quickly…

“Louisiana Requires Every Public School Classroom To Display The Ten Commandments”

Might I suggest:

They should be written in Hebrew or Arabic, to reflect the same sort of reaction generated when the “law” required “IN GOD WE TRUST” to be posted in schools. Some schools posted (larger than normal) copies of the back of a $1 bill:

Or perhaps they should be posted near a photo of Trump being interviewed about his “faith”. (In that context, the $1 was perfect!)

Obviously, the ACLU is already on this, but perhaps we should begin offering our own suggestions, as genuinely patriotic Americans (rather than fascists. They have their representation already, seeing as countless millions of Americans are NOT Christians.)

As Michelle Obama, says, “When they go low, we get ANGRY!!!” Something like that…

(But it’s also been a good day. After almost a week someone finally read my REPARATIONS piece! Claps might have been nice, but I’m focusing on baby steps.)

Thank you.



foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)

100% UNPAID writer, because I must. Liberal for life (so far!) FYI-If I see only a reply (and don’t know the name), I have to presume it’s from a troll. Sorry..