A TRUMPhant Christmas Story


Once, while visiting a pre-AIDS, pre-9/11, pre-covid, pre-Ghouliani New York City

(also known as OLD York City)

with a Connecticut high school class at Christmastime, 1972…

(decades before the dem-o-libs so hatefully reduced the true and blessed Christian-cash observance of Amazon Christmas to only six months of each year (with a Constitutionally legislated four-month extension for the Hallmark Channel))

Two 10th grade friends and I actually passed Jackie and Aristotle Onassis on the sidewalk, alone (rather, alone together they, and alone together we)

on a street just off 5th Avenue.

So, clearly they (and we) were both one half-street safe from the risk of Conald Garumph’s bullet brag, some 44 years later.

Thank you, Conald, for not shooting a respected (and respectable) American First Lady.

(Ted Cruz’s dad would not act so kindly toward her ex-hubby

though that had not happened yet, because your past was yet to take place, and more likely never would, or will , or could….

but I’d guess your future is a bit vague as well.)

Oh! I almost forgot! Thanks for not shooting us. I presume you want me to send you money?



foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)
foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)

Written by foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)

100% UNPAID writer, because I must. Liberal for life (so far!) FYI-If I see only a reply (and don’t know the name), I have to presume it’s from a troll. Sorry..

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