About the cap. No matter how it may seem to you, and possibly others, the “Make America Think Again” cap is a two-way sign of respect from the time until about late 2016 when Medium and ThinkProgress were connected. (“…Think Again…, ThinkProgress) I purchased the cap (available once briefly, then not again through that channel) have worn it almost to non-existence, used it for my TP avatar, and when I rejoined Medium it was still attached to my profile. Seemed appropriate, and even friendly to be “AI” remembered. Perhaps you read too much into it.
You present a term I refuse to accept, at least as long as I am in this safe place of Medium. When I paid my $50 I had no idea that there was a cash payout associated with activism, but even Earth’s most committed have to eat. Since I don’t have a cellphone, and that seems to be a requirement, I expect to be just as I am, sharing without financial expectation. Why? Because I can come here and not be surrounded by “opponents”, but by people who feel as I do about truth, life, justice and equality. We provide strength, hope and ideas for each other, not hostility. (I can’t help if someone of a more confrontational bent comes along, say in an article titled “A Fertilized Egg is Not a Human Being” and presumes that someone interested in fully supporting that writer’s position is being contentious. The author seemed to appreciate my comment, and that’s worth 1000 of those who either won’t or don’t understand. If that’s my ego, it’s the best I can do for now.)
Where I live I am no longer able to submit letters to the editor; not since my physical address was “outed” by the phone company and multiple phone threats started immediately with the very next letter. But that happens to all liberal letter writers here, even one I know who is a retired marine officer. Even elderly women. (Thus I retain my gamer ID. The price of being discovered to be a liberal is stupid-high.) So, I write here instead, and feel myself bathed in love and understanding almost every moment.
You see, if my goal was to be a jerk there are far cheaper opportunities by the thousands. But Earth, and the life on it is worth immeasurably more than that.
How would life begin through “first breath” except as a child? I stand by that interpretation, at least until I see any Christian address that particular bit of text unprompted. (And I was born, raised, and baptized, as a Christian. I just saw great harm in limiting myself so tremendously. (NOT a reflection of others. I’m only me.))
I presume this will also be criticized, but that may actually be an indication of an earlier issue., as we all have, and grow through overcoming. Please consider that possibility first.
Thank you.