Actually, I wouldn't call it a change. (Remember, a significant number of the original freedom riders were white, as am I. Though I'm a few years younger than they were, I think I'd have been there as well.) I remember what a poor choice Goldwater was in 1964, and I stood in line to see JFK lie in state before that. (And I have the Dallas newspaper hanging in my living room.) I've been working toward equality and justice since I first became aware of the need when I was about five, in segregated SC. And I was personally aware of unfairness even prior to that. So i'd say "the change" happened about 58 years ago, when I was four years old.
Respectfully, I think what may be "new" is the quantitative aspect of racism (which is indeed critical.)
But yes, there are difficulties. Perhaps more now for me (as a white man in the rural south) than ever before.
I've got just about the worst connection today I've ever had, so I'll have to return to this issue during the night, when data moves faster. (I live in the country, and we have data transfer measurements of "adequate", "poor", and "downright sucky".)