“ Advice about my enlarged prostate”
Prostate!?!? Two things immediately come to mind; 1) WTF?! 2) No, just WTF?
I typed the word “pig” to a friend while chatting on a gaming site to reference the fact that two roaming miniature pigs had found their way into my yard. Within minutes I began receiving ads for pork products, which over a year later have not stopped. (I haven’t eaten mammal in 35 years.) But if they knew to target me with pork ads from a single word, would they not know you’re a woman?
Stupid me! You might know a man! (As an Accounts Payable clerk in a prior life, I once authorized payment for a prostate exam on a woman. Why? Because I was told, “Women have them too!”, and it was the path of no resistance.)
Thank you for sharing this. We need levity amidst the horror.