As far as what is said in the TED Talks clip, I can only agree that Jim Wallis of the Sojourners organization is indeed one of the most amazing Christians I have ever encountered. (Though I’ve regrettably never actually met him.) In fact, Sojourners is the only Christian organization (or religious organization, to be more honest) I support financially. (I've personally known of three people in my 63 years that I consider "true Christians": Jim Wallis of Sojourners, President Jimmy Carter, and my late Uncle Bill Pirkle. I've no doubt there are countless additional genuine Christians that I've simply never met, and I genuinely and sincerely apologize to them, one and all as much as I may be able, for this omission. I do believe that true “Sermon on the Mount” Christians do much to hold this planet together, and I would never wish to offend them, due to the thankless work they do for us all, each and every day. Thank you all sincerely.)
However, I began this comment specifically to relate my considered business experience with assisting Christians in what must surely be among their greatest, unstated spiritual needs: THE RAPTURE. Surely raptured (a term even google understands) Christians would have unresolved post-rapture issues; pets to set free, messages to be delivered, loved (but unsaved!!!) relatives, friends, and associates to be cared for, mortgages to be paid with money that no longer has value (there being no ATMs in Heaven), and the like. (Entirely separate from my considered self-help program that was only billable on the first day (and for only $5!), entitled “Today Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.” I ended that when I realized that intriguing as it sounded, I had no genuine desire to bankrupt Planet Earth.)
And for an “oh so reasonable” monthly / weekly / annual price, starting immediately (and terminating upon actual RAPTURE taking place) I was willing to accept responsibility for those rapture-based tasks that were unfortunately “left behind”. And for what it may be worth, my promises were 100% honest. Pay me until the rapture occurs, and I will guarantee all those tasks will be performed. (Delivering messages certainly seeming to be the easiest. After all, delivering physical, sealed letters presumably to mostly say, “I’m in heaven, and you’re NOT!” seemed to be little more than a simple USPS “forever” stamp.)
But again, even though I actually (and literally) did contact a lawyer (Christian-ish, he being a southern lawyer and Sunday-School teacher, and (cough…cough), a relative), as a possible investor, my actual existing trace of conscience prohibited me going further toward making so very many “Christians” deliriously happy to bury me in absolute mountains of cash.
Another brilliant and revealing article. Again, I thank you for sharing what so very much needs to be shared.