As someone who owns the entire run of Warrior comics (first place "V for Vendetta" was printed) and the entire Moore "Swamp Thing", I can imagine NO writer more influential in the second half of the 20th century, comic or otherwise (with the possible exception of Vonnegut.)
In fact, there is one story in one comic issue that sums up Alan Moore exceptionally well. (My 25,000+ issue comic collection is stored elsewhere, and I thank you for motivating me to seek out the Moore comics in the morning.)
But one story (I think in Tomorrow Stories, but I may be mistaken) that can be read in many ways (forward, backward, top to bottom, bottom to top) is actually a social, economic, time-based story, based on what the reader wishes it to be, and the direction they choose to read it. The single most brilliant comic story I can recall ever reading.
If you can help identify the title and issue, I will be grateful. (Though I'll likely know within a day, and report back.) Sorry for sounding like such a fanboy...but with Alan I am. (I'm 62.)
Thank you for this wonderful article.