"Back in the 70s and 80s, conservatives were in love with Milton Friedman and his economic theories."
And if that wasn't bad enough, GQP economic theory is now substantially driven by Arthur Laffer, a man who has no concept of either elasticity of demand (sales of critically needed items, such as insulin, are less affected by price changes) and he even largely ignores supply and demand in his models.
What else does he ignore? How much money people have to spend, as if poverty has no impact on corporate profitability. (And in his world, I'm sure that's true.)
What does he say matters? That the best thing in any economic model is to lower corporate costs in any way possible, such as removing or ignoring pretty much any regulations (such as safety), by passing laws ignoring minimum wage, and by passing corporate taxes on to private citizens instead of corporations or (generally) rich stockholders of such corporations.
(See why he wants to ignore poverty? Because he also wants to expand it exponentially, like any good(sic) republican...)
It seems almost impossible to imagine that he actually believes any of it, but one never knows with the far-wrong. Compared to scammers on the internet, Laffer actually could be considered an expert...in Bizarro World!
Thank you, Dustin. Important stuff (and I apologize for the oversimplification.)