“Because they want to control women.”
Please don’t misunderstand if I change the above to:
Because they want to control others. (And I thank you for making mention of female on male victimization, but I suspect the numbers may be more than “a small fraction”. By the tragic nature of the problem we’ll never, ever know the truth.) This same presumption of “man as abuser” nearly sent me to jail numerous times, saved only by the fact that she was always drunk and raving, I was always calm, sober and bloody. On exactly one occasion did a kind officer provide me documentation of my victimization, unsolicited. (The general response was generally along the lines of, “Next time you’ll both go to jail.”)
I was a 192 pound, 2% body fat fitness fanatic when I met her, she a 112 pound woman. She sent me to the hospital twice, and tried to kill me on several additional occasions. I never once laid a hand on her in anger or violence, because that simply isn’t done to a woman.
After I regained my life, I learned more about being a man abused by a woman through research. Despite a years-long relationship with the editorial page of the local paper, I found myself banned for presuming there was an agenda to ignoring abuse toward men, and attempting to inform the public of it.
Agreed, women deserve the majority of the concern because they do receive the majority of the abuse. Though I may seem it, I’m not complaining. I’m just glad to be alive. And I also understand just how unbelievable the whole situation can appear to an outsider (which is almost everyone.)
Thank you. Valuable and important piece.