'“But there are no protestors, just RIOTERS/Antifa/BLM gangs . . .”
Really hard NOT to be amused at part of this Buzzfeed article:
'He Went From Being A Football Star In A Wealthy California Town To Amassing Guns And Texting About Hunting For BLM Protesters'
“Antifa has been avoiding me or something,” Hung texted a group of associates on May 29, shortly after his phone pinged a location near major BLM protests in downtown Los Angeles. “I can never seem to find them when I’m out war rigging.”
"Or something." Like maybe, hiding out essentially in non-existence, "or something”. (And this was long before the FOX "antifa scare" began in earnest.)
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Seems I’ve managed to “learn” what curated means. (But not so foolish as to think it’s based on my “fine writing”.)