How very thoughtful of Mr. Moore to place three of his great titles (imho) within only a matter of inches in the "TO" section of my collection. (Perhaps it has a numerological value to him). But all I know is that it was so very easy to gather them up, even in a darkened room.
The story I reference is "How Things Work Out" a Greyshirt story coming first in issue 2 of Tomorrow Stories. (The cover story, actually.)
It's not so much the story itself that has me so in awe, but the way the story is structured. It can be read as multiple stories, forward or backward, up or down the page, across each of the four levels, page by page, through various strata; social, economic, crime story. In fact, in some cases even the art continues up and down the page, from frame to frame. It's quite complex, and I've never seen anything quite like it.
Thank you for asking, because otherwise I would not have so many of my dear friends in a pile directly before me!
I remember seeing it online several years ago, but don't recall where. But I'm certain that at that time it would not have been a pay site.
Enjoy, Felix! I'd like to hear your opinion, should it be convenient to do so.