Fine. We'll "ban" (since it's only called "cancel culture" when aimed at them. Aimed at us, it's called "patriots fighting for their freedom")...OK, we'll ban Dr. King.
AS LONG AS the desperate and deadly Southern Strategy can also be banned. Ignorant white southerners (of which I am at least two from the list) have had no trouble believing the cruel and murderous Southern Strategy lies for 60+ years! (You know, Black men are all drug addicts wanting little more than drugs, and to rape frail, defenseless and virginal white women, Blacks aren't as smart as us(sic), the Civil War wasn't about slavery, and slaves LOVED being slaves! That crap, but so much more.) White southerners had ZERO trouble believing that cart of bullshit (in order to place the GOPQ in power), but refuse to even be exposed to the truth (largely in the form of CRT.)
Wait a minute. It's starting to look like all we need to ban is lies! Who could be against that? (Well, we know who...)