Good, Bad, Right, Wrong? Or Maybe Not…..
Though I’ve long believed in karma and known that no human can possibly see enough pieces of the puzzle to assemble adequate numbers of them to even begin to see the overall picture, I’ve chosen to believe.
And as far as good and bad go, I’m rather certain we don’t have those answers. What we have in these troubled times is more questions. For example, while we may increasingly see wealth as “good” (or rather, find ourselves directed to do so), we’ve seen enough lottery winners' lives ruined, and FAR too many rich assholes to think there is anything inherently good about money. (And SO many deeply good, tragically poor people struggling. So maybe it’s not “tragedy” at all, but merely a mindset from the blinders we wear, yet too often deny.)
After all, the world as we CAN KNOW of it (meaning physical, at least) is much like a clock, more vast in scope than anything we can conceive of. Yet if even one tiny piece fails, the entire clock comes to a halt (or at least fails in its appointed task, thus failing overall.) Therefore, it seems we have two states for creation to operate within: order or chaos. And if we have anything less than perfect order, we have total chaos. To simply make the claim that order doesn’t exist because we can’t see it opens up so many things that we can therefore also call failures, such as love, gravity, music, justice and equality.
But in truth, no “part” can fail, because each and every moment is the result of each moment’s prior moment, which is the result of ALL prior moments in sequence. How to deviate randomly in a world in which randomness simply doesn’t exist? (I once asked an engineer about existence of “random”, and he eventually conceded to the term “mathematically random”. Everything is based on something.)
But when I learned about fractals around 1990, and that everything is made of patterns that are connected, I suddenly had a great new hope for humanity (as well as my own peace of mind.) To think that all things we know, or don’t know, are connected, be they math, science, religion, art, philosophy…god(s); was the greatest single event in my life. To see that the gods, in their countless forms could be proven mathematically, and that each person’s every word, thought or action, no matter how hidden, was their specific responsibility to all the world, seemed to me the very path to mankind’s “salvation” from themselves.
But I’m still waiting…..
I do understand that nothing I’ve said here has to be believed or understood by anyone, no matter how strong my own beliefs or convictions in the matter. Still, they may be worth a moment of thought. I thank you sincerely for reading them.