I live in the deep south, and have worn either a BLM shirt, or a shirt supporting racial justice >95% of the time I've left my house in the past year or so. (And I am white.)
Perhaps I'm more fortunate in living near a town of about 500 (but with THREE gun stores) that lies on a major highway, 25 miles from a popular beach resort town. People here, even in this tiny Trump-loving town, see everything.
I find that most local shop owners here are more interested in the images on my money than my shirts. (Or it's possible they just never noticed, though it seems unlikely.)
But I do carry my metal cane most places. (I am disabled, but the cane is for protection.)
HINT: I just bought a BLM cap from the site "The Outrage", and it's in cursive. The people who should read it , can. The others; not so much.
THANK YOU for writing this.