"... he said he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone, and he wouldn’t lose any votes."
People forget that he said basically the same thing about Hillary. The difference, when he spoke of himself, his protection was based on being so "loved" (or something, but in truth, having stupid followers, as this writer says.) But with Ms. Clinton he meant because of her supposed high level of corruption. But considering almost everything Thump says is based on projection, who can say?("But her e-mails!" should be the quote to show just how bizarre the century has been, way ahead of "Lock her up!")
I suspect much of the Latino feeling is based on the concept of, "He means the illegals, not me. And frankly, if they didn't come into America just exactly the way I did, then to hell with them!"
An odd concept, considering that I've yet to find a white conservative southerner who does not admit they'd have also come to America illegally, if that's what was necessary to feed their family.
Great article. Thank you.