How very kind you are!, MJ Thank you so very much!
(What follows is an almost "stream of consciousness" expression of what I feel, so it may (pardon, WILL) feel a little unpolished.)
I never fully fleshed out my piece about depriving Black Americans of the educational and job opportunities that they are so very deserving of. I felt that as a white person, going further than simply expressing an opinion might not be appropriate. But it would please me greatly if someone such as yourself were to take it further. (Perhaps conceptually by comparing a white 1619 American settler, coming to America (expensive in itself), and building wealth for the next 400+ years...... with a Black American, coming to America to become a slave with NOTHING but the rags and chains they wore, and leaving slavery in 1865 with no more than similar rags (and perhaps a family), and the almost unbelievable injustice and inequity of that. (But that’s me, and I would never dictate what ANY writer should say.) You see, MJ, I've actually heard white people say that Black Americans have been "given so much". I'm sure you understand what I might have said if I felt I had the right to do so.
MJ, I'm VERY lucky if even a dozen people might see something I write (THANK YOU!). But even that number is rare. Since my intention is to make a difference, and to share ideas in order to make them bigger and of greater value, I hope you might do more with it, should it seem an appropriate topic:
(Again, I apologize for how weak my article is. Really, I felt unsure of what my limitations were, as a white person.)
I might have included this link originally, but I now realize that's considered "self-promotion" (though I earn not one cent from Medium, and never have.)
Actually, my ID is from the gaming site, Steam, and to paraphrase Shakespeare, it basically means "much ado about nothing", which is far from appropriate for the world we live in (and perhaps for Medium.)
But when I realized just how petty gamers could be ("gamergate", anyone?), I selected the name to express that there is a bigger world out there. I realize it doesn't make sense for Medium, but I've grown a bit attached to it. And Chiquita is my dearly beloved boxer-mix shelter pup who I acquired at a time in my life when I desperately needed exactly that sort of a friend. And she has been PERFECT! (As I type this, her head is resting on my knee.)
Thank you again, MJ. You have made a difficult day FAR brighter!