I can't do much.
I can't march, due to lack of marches, and the lack of the ability to walk more than very short distances.
And I can't give, due to poverty. (But I do, and way more than is good for my future.)
I can't do anything that might send me to jail, because I care for parents with a combined age of 181.
But I wear my heart on my sleeve, and my chest and my back. EVERY time I leave the house. Or even when I don't leave the house. (Currently I'm wearing "We Stand AGainst Voter Suppression".
But one of my favorite new messages to wear is "There are no white people in the Bible".
Living in the rural deep south, I doubt many people bother to read it.
But it only takes one....
(Oh yes, and I write. Not a lot, and never for money. I write because I must.)
Jesus Was a Brown Man Who Died a Brown Man’s Death is a remarkable piece of your heart, and I am grateful to you for sharing it. Thank you.