I fear that as soon as Plump the Grump realizes his portrait will NEVER appear in the White House, I believe America (and the world) will experience what I call "Frump's winter of revenge" (and I am NOT being facetious or humorous. Not in the slightest.)
I sincerely believe that if he felt enough people would be aware of his power (if only for an instant), he would not hesitate to push the button. To be known, however briefly, as the one to be able to kill billions in a single action is, I believe, reason enough for him to choose to do it. (We have ample evidence of his thirst for publicity, with seemingly zero concerns as to positive or negative impacts.)
In his own words, "What do I have to lose?"
In other words, I don't believe your headline is in any way extreme.
Again, I find nothing humorous in making this claim. I just hope the "football" has already been deflated.....