I have such wonderful memories of these adorable little creatures!
Living in the woods next to a river in a very lightly populated area was wonderful in many ways, but perhaps most of all for the critters. Anything in the neighborhood was free to come and go, and I wish I’d had a camera the night the kitchen food bowl was occupied on one side by a pure white kitten, and on the other side by a (still) white baby possum, of almost matching sizes. (I also had the joy of being loved by a raccoon in the same home, and never did I see any degree of conflict between any of my friends.)
And I had a small baby that chose to live with me, having been separated from its mother. It would encircle the room, repeatedly, climbing curtains to reach curtain rods in order to make the most interesting circuits possible. (Tragically, at least in our perspective, their lives are short.)
I found a grown possum in a closet one day, and noticed something “odd” about it. Something dangling off. Pulling on one I discovered it was one of several tiny babies in her pouch! I immediately returned it to her, and she seemed mostly undisturbed, and continued on her way.
Your photos are very special, and I thank you for all you did to advance the understanding of these creatures (which are just as deserving of love as you present.)
Thank you.