I missed you, Pam! (But I confess, soon after the election in November I also needed a few months off.)
Back a half-century ago (it used to bug me when my dad would talk like that...who knew?) when I would spend my summers working on my grandparent's SC farm, I found a use for dirt dauber nests. (Also known as mud daubers, they make their compartmentalized nests out of specks of mud.) Ours were this variety, creating stacked compartments that could easily (with a little imagination) represent multi-story structures: https://www.colonialpest.com/mud-dauber-wasps-are-not-much-of-a-threat/
I took a large box bottom, painted roads as a town might have, as well as grassy areas, then glued (and painted) the nests to represent schools, municipal buildings, a firehouse, and the smaller ones represented homes. (It was a BIG box!)
Another "skill" lost forever to the internet.
Thanks, Pam. Good to "read" from you, my friend.