I was born "different", in the wrong body.
No one knew at the time. I didn't even know.
But as I grew, it became more and more obvious that something was...off. Wrong, even.
Not until I was older did I receive medical confirmation that I was indeed, not quite as I appeared to the world I inhabited.
And while I eventually received necessary surgery, it was too late to change anything more than some of the results. I waited too long. It should have been addressed, and corrected when I was small.
I will never know the same sort of life that most people take for granted.
I was born with scoliosis, a twisted spine.
And I have to wonder how long it may be until those like me may be denied the medical care necessary to correct a mistake of birth, as is happening to countless innocent American children today.
Some of then are likely to die today, alone and in pain the rest of us can't even imagine.
Please, don't think I'm ridiculing the current victimization of trans children in any way. I'm just attempting to point out the hypocrisy, and one of many negative consequences those with no knowledge, and no heart can cause. I know the two circumstances are only only peripherally connected, and I took advantage of the tenuous connection to make a point. I do not mean offend anyone in any way.
My account is 100% accurate. My scoliosis is real.
No one should let a person suffer from a congenital mistake, whether it be someone's spine or their gender.
(I'll be wearing one of numerous HRC "trans support" t-shirts to take my Dad into the city for an appointment today.)
Thank you, Tucker. (Nights are long and my mind is tired....)