I write this to be as “deep” as possibly in order to ensure some degree of privacy, though that’s not crucial.
I think of you not just as a gifted intellectual able to absolutely put me to shame (except that is never your intention), but as one of the few Medium writers I would like to know personally, and to call “friend” if such things could be. (And as I know they cannot.)
I just read a post where where readers responding in detail, as I tend to do with the posts I most respect, are called “parasites”. Sir, I ask you as someone I trust and respect:
Am I such a parasite? ( I realize this post is intended to be somewhat satirical, but satire is only effective when it’s based on reality.)
I greatly regret putting you on the spot, and I do not require or expect a reply. But in all honesty. due to an extremely abusive childhood and a borderline autistic personality, I have no means of assessing reality in all instances.
If this sort of reply something that Medium writers (in general) prefer not to receive? As I wrote in my reply, I always thought of Medium as a “thought” site, but many consider it a “cash” site. Have I overstepped my bounds? I assure you that if you should reply in any form, that response, and any reference to it, will remain as private as this location can be.
Thank you, and with apologies I can scarcely begin to express,