If I may be honest, I look forward to seeing Muslims and Jews being allowed to pray freely in public schools. (And a bit curious about what constitutes Satanist prayer.)
But in reality, I fear I'm stuck with this:
Had prayer actually been banned from public schools, then I can see an opportunity for God to work their wonders, just as logic strongly points toward being the ideal: “Finally! God can act independently of man’s selfish wishes and hate-filled desires in one place in America! Its public schools!” But of course prayer was never prohibited. The only thing prohibited was exclusionary, public displays of prayer: the very thing the Bible says to avoid at all cost. Yet this seems not to suit a great many of those claiming to trust in God, those who instead insist that man always be in the position of choosing the best God, of speaking for God, of replacing God, indeed of being God in every public school in America.
But I certainly don't have to like it.
Thank you, my friend.