If I may for a moment diverge from the absolute beauty and magic of this incredibly touching story; perhaps some readers have been able to think back to their first meeting of someone they’ve come over time to know well. Perhaps some of you are actually able to remember how that person looked to you in that first moment, when appearance wasn’t yet based on personal opinion, experiences shared, or even controlled by something the viewer is feeling (or even some lack of feeling, maybe.) Perhaps that memory is the only time that individual’s true appearance might be observed. (Of course I mean disregarding the effects of time.) It may be as rare for such a memory to be (presumably) accurately stored and remembered for others as it is for me, but perhaps it’s not unknown. And for those able to remember, the differences coming from within might be striking.
Have you ever seen someone’s features change, instantly and permanently? On two similar occasions I saw that happen, and hopefully in the process I learned a lesson about personal perception. Both times it was someone I saw in a gym (one a man, the other a woman), but had no reason to interact with. (Gyms can be like that.) In both instances, after about two years a very brief conversation suddenly and unexpectedly took place. Instantly, as the words were being spoken, I no longer perceived them independently of opinion or ego (well, mostly), but as if seeing a reflection due to the egotistical act of suddenly becoming some tiny part of their world, and they of mine. By suddenly “sharing” existence and awareness of each other, the mirror of how I perceived each of them changed to include us both, and remained that way from then on. Their features changed forever in a moment, presumably based on my permanently altered new perception.
And if I may, for those still with me and willing to consider a further exercise in perception, I’d like to offer something “connected”. To see someone, really see someone, I suggest taking a drive through town. (This example presumes driving in the right lane with the steering wheel on the left side of the car, but adjusting by reversing for left-lane driving should produce matching results.) As you come to a traffic light, then take a right turn in order to be driving parallel to the row of stationary cars waiting to move as the light changes…..look directly into each driver’s eyes as you flash by. It can feel a bit intrusive, and not everyone may feel comfortable invading in such a deeply personal (and strangely intimate) manner. But that first instant when eyes meet is absolutely electric in a way unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and may tell you things you had not been aware of about yourself. (“Mileage may vary….”)
Sorry to go so deep (and perhaps even a bit dark and scary), but part of the reason I do this is in hope of feedback from readers that may have similar suggestions on this rather bizarre three-part study in perception. If I haven’t explained properly, or if anyone has questions, please feel free to ask. (And if I went too far, and people wish to “unFollow” me, I’ll completely understand!)
Peace and perception, one and all…..