If I may, for a moment, talk about myself?
I don't write for money, but that's just me, and in no way a judgement of anyone else, on Medium or elsewhere.
In fact, for my first year on Medium I never wrote the first story. (And in fact, only have maybe a couple of dozen now.)
I realize time is a concern for you, though I have no knowledge of this program you mention.
But during that first year I was astounded (and I confess, pleased) to realize I had hundreds of followers, simply by posting honest comments to existing stories with no thought to the amount of time involved, or even if they might never be read. But something trapped in me was released by the process, and for a full year, that was quite enough.
It's just a thought I felt might be worth sharing, and perhaps it sounds condescending. I don't mean it to.
But what was most special was the wonderful people I encountered, many of which I have considered to be genuine friends.
Thank you, and the best of that thing we term "luck".