If one were to look at the "list" of the generally innocent people that the GOP takes such delight in attacking, you quickly notice that either they are already misunderstood by the public, or they can, if only by repetition, easily be made to be misunderstood (and thus seem frightening) by wrong-wing America.
As well, they generally lack the resources (including numbers) to defend themselves, or they can't be bothered to stoop so low. (Does anyone really see Mr. Potato Head as a threat?)
Why else would they have abandoned any pretense of a platform for the 2020 elections, except that educating the American public to the truth isn't as much fun as hate, and might have a very different impact. (Apparently few things are more fun than hate, in GOP World.)
My guess for the 2024 boogeypeople? The left-handed, and people with red hair. Scary people, huh?
Thank you, Laura.