If the Sermon On the Mount wasn't "woke" enough...
I guess they'll blame Joe for the contents of the Bible now. (Stranger things happen every day.
But with the package's promotion of "glittery sugar" (as well as the socially and medically responsible "nut free"), I think we all know the truth!)
Thanks, Edward! When some particularly cretinous deep south white evangelical Christian (i.e.-a neighbor or relative) comes gunning for me and my HRC rainbow wristband and my LGBTQIA+ / Trans flag button and the positive t-shirts and caps I wear, I'll just explain about Noah! (Not sure how I'll explain my Darth Vader-like Gill Mask...
All in all, I'm starting to resemble the back bumper of a 20-year old Saab.)
But you may have just saved my life, Edward!