"If you cannot distance yourself from Trumpers, have a “change of heart” to blend in with them if you can."
Ossiana, I almost wish I could do that. But seeing as, every single day for the past 5 years (or more) I've worn clothing (shirts, caps, etc.) with progressive and/or anti-GOP messages here in the American Deep South, while surrounded by hate...it may be a bit late.
In truth, I'd prefer being a victim of violence than to present myself as what I look like; the average older, white male who supports Trump.
I'd be turning my back on every Black, Mexican and LGBTQIA resident (and others) that I might encounter publicly here in rural South Carolina, and I can't do that.
Of course, I don't have a family to worry about (other than a 93 -year old mother, who I have to hope even MAGAnuts won't harm.)
And not having a family to worry about makes all the difference. So instead of blending in, I'll continue to fight...peacefully and passively. (And anonymously, as far as Medium.)
Thank you, Ossiana.