I'm still not sold that the deportations are anything but a way to generate hate. It reminds me so much of the wall Mexico was going to pay for.
And too many of Trump's corporate overlords make too much money from immigrant labor (legal and otherwise) to let it go. Besides, without cheap labor, our economy will tank, and even Trump wants "his billionaires" happy. (It's my only hope, so I'll holding on tooth and nail until the last minute.)
And Tulsi Gabbard should be more frightening, but I can't see Trump not jumping the gun he's giving her to get that pat on the head from Putin. Anything he knows, Putin will also know, and quickly. (And likely before she does, not forgetting the "first access to Oval Office" meeting Trump had with Russians that America only found out because of the Russian photographer present. The meeting where info was almost certainly forwarded to Putin...including Israeli military secrets.)
How perverse is it that we are discussing that Putin owns America, and we're now just arguing the details of his takeover? Because most of America is seemingly tired of being free, and they want autocrats making all their decisions for them.
Sandra, I can tell your heart is in this one. Thank you.