It's certain that numerous Frump supporters will lose loved ones to the virus before Nov. 3. (though I no not wish for this to happen to anyone.) And those people will almost certainly rethink their position on Grump. (Although studies have shown that Christians who lose loved ones to "acts of God" actually have their faith strengthened, so who knows? He is their new "gawd".)
It's hard for me to forget the pre-covid Thump supporter interviewed, as reported by DailyKos (though I regret I lack the link after this time.)
He was dying, and 100% lacked healthcare. But he was, in his own words, willing to die rather than support the ACA, since that would also mean support for immigrants and freeloaders. (Of course the ACA was pretty specifically designed for hard working Americans still unable to afford healthcare. Those two groups would almost entirely be excluded.)
And die he did. But seemingly he died happy, with his heart full of hate.
Since the beginning I've said that these supporters don't so much love Plump, as hate us. Admittedly, I'm not as firm in that conviction now, but I'm still inclined to believe the reason Cult 45 is so successful is simply because he is the face of hate, and the person wearing the face matters less than them having justification for their hate.
As I recently commented to our friend, Mr. Truman:
"In a Secret Recording, Trump’s Sister Says “Donald Is Cruel” and Has No Principles"
Not two bugs, but two features....
Thank you.