"“Mandatory reporters” like school teachers, therapists, and doctors must inform authorities within 48 hours of knowing or suspecting that such surgery might have taken place."
I'm not at all certain I've ever seen language so deliberately vague or open to dangerous misinterpretation. Even if this was somehow justified (it's not), or it happens (it doesn't), I can't imagine the pain of "the crime" being even a small fraction as great as the pain of this so-called "enforcement." More lives would be ruined in the name of caution than would ever be hurt by any kind of surgery, especially not by one with the very purpose of improving, and even saving lives.
I realize I may sound as if this "fake crime" could have serious repercussions, but that's because It almost seems there would be a penalty, not because the surgery happened (obviously), but because it might have happened. (And I can only imagine there will be reports filed, and people harassed. And innocent children being forced to strip before strange doctors and law enforcement. (Interprete “strange” as you may wish.) Because that’s what those people love above all else. Even above the safety and lives of their own children.)
None of the foolishness I've detailed will matter to the "base-est". and I can almost hear the campaign ads now. "Abbott won't let your child's life be improved, even if they do survive this school year, and don't freeze to death this winter."
James, as may be convenient to provide, do you know what the penalty might be (in theory) should someone to fail to report such an act to their local SS officer? Or is the grift so ingrained that it hasn't even been considered?
Thanks again, James. I suspect it's only because of you that much of America (and beyond) learns any of these things that should matter, and be known, to us all.