"Many white people..."
"...majority of white voters..."
"...many white pundits..."
"...many white men..."
"...most white women..."
Allison, THANK YOU!
I would die next to ANY American fighting for their rights, yet so rarely do I see white Americans receiving anything other than universal blame for what the least of us guilty of. In fact, a very popular medium writer seemingly always lumps every white American in the very worst of categories. When I explained to her that I had never known racism in my life, she asked me to relate the "change". When I insisted there had been no change, she again wanted to know what had made me change. The result was this, which you have read (thank you): https://foofaraw.medium.com/white-privilege-is-not-the-same-as-white-racism-2b5ed1c5e73b
That you can see differences in us is wonderfully reassuring (though knowing you through your work, as I do, it's not surprising.)
With the utmost respect for your ideas, might your use of "sewing" perhaps also be represented equally well by the word "sowing", as with seed? (Just a thought, and I may be mistaken.)