Ms. Kennerson,
You are very generous to share your thoughts, and I’m certainly not going to disagree with any of them. (What rational, thinking person isn’t terrified of the very great possibilities for global suffering? How do people we think of as “human” have such complete disregard for their own children and grandchildren? Or in the very worst, most selfish case, their “legacy”?)
I developed these thoughts largely as I wrote, and it wasn’t until I had written them that I realize what it was that most chilled me to the bone; so tragically little concern...for anything! Why did the markets not crater the day the first UN report was issued? Actually, I think it’s because the market isn’t based on logic, or even a time period greater than as short a time as maybe a week or so. And I wish I was joking. Clearly that is the truth, and apparently was before most people began to realize it so very recently. (Frogs in increasingly warm pots of water, maybe?) Rather than protect the world to enable more profit in the future (and, oh yeah, HUMANITY), it seems to “them”” to be more important to suck the world dry today, brag for a decade, then watch billions die from their air-conditioned comfort. (Although I suspect we’ll see world-class denial take hold soon, as the world has never seen, and will never have a chance to see again. After all, while the worst that can happen to most of us is death, it’s MONEY they’ll be losing! )
Why is that not funny?
It’s madness, absolute and definable madness. And all we can do is… what? What can we possibly do, except, like me in the above, pretending to do something that may matter a tiny bit, though I know in my heart it won’t. (But I feel I’d go mad if I didn’t try.) I’ve often said that I’m glad to not have offspring, but never because of the unimaginable nightmare approaching. And never have I actually been glad to be well past my own “half-way mark”. I suppose this was partly an attempt on my part also to simply say goodbye to the only home I know, and attempt to do it with as much grace as I can muster.
Thank you again, and please join me in hoping some future generation may chance upon what I’ve written, and laugh about “how unrealistically fearful they all were back in Drumpf Time.”