I thank you, and I hope with all my heart and soul that you're right.
But the only event in history we can compare today to is, indeed, the American Civil War.
And that happened before the internal compustion engine compressed a process of carbon release ordinarily taking hundreds of millins of years...into just over a single human lifetime.
And also before there were billionaires, much less before the world's governments sanctioned a total lack of responsibility for the damage THEY do to the air. And in fact, kept shoveling money at them as they destroyed more and more of the world all of us live in, but others of us are not rewarded for destroying. A shame, since many of us DO believe in giving back. And literally, every single day means loss of innocent lives to contaminated air and water.
A recent study shows that 20% of the world's non-surviving newborns die from the air in their first breath, and every breath after. (I'll look for the link if you wish to see it. It's also in a Walter Rhein article.)
I'm hopeful you will be as honest concerning my next post. I've written "dark", but not like this....
Thank you, Paul.