Please Kat, if I may offer my viewpoint, which I confess I've just recently begun to consider after putting as many warped and twisted puzzle pieces together as will sort of fit.
First, he allows them to not think too hard about anything, especially about being excused from any thinking. "The cycle of ignorance" is what I call it.
But that's secondary...
First and foremost, he allows his cult members complete and total freedom from any concept of personal responsibility. No matter how much they hurt the innocent deliberately or circumstantially, or even how they continue to benefit from the harm done in the past...
...they are encouraged to always blame someone else. (What better way can there be to M.A.G.A.?) And in the instances they continue to benefit from actions of the past (such as slavery, which all we white people in America benefit from daily), access to history can and has been altered. What slavery? "Slaves enjoyed being slaves! Says so right here in this Texas high school history text book!" Trump may almost as well have written it himself.
Freedom from responsibility is hardly a new idea, and it no longer surprises me that white evangelicals are his biggest demographic. After all, they've been living by this mantra since about 422 AD., so by now it's a perfect fit.
Even smart and kind people don't enjoy feeling guilt...especially when they should.
They love him for being a scoundrel, while denying that very reality every time he's called out for being exactly that. I guess they have learned something from him after all...the term quid pro quo.
I don't want to be right about this, and perhaps I'm not.
Thank you, Kat.