Point #1 - Trump is NEVER wrong. (Just ask him.)
Point #2 - When mentioning Clinton, he was more likely actually referencing her supposed "high degree of corruption." (You don't really think he was calling her "beloved"......do you? Seriously? Really? Honestly?)
Since I presume your answer is "no", I agree with you, he was simply projecting his own level of extreme corruption on Clinton by calling out her "corruption". (And now that we know he and virtually every member of his staff and family also use private e-mail servers, the projection becomes VERY obvious. Then replace Benghazi with Yemen, and Whitewater with emoluments, and the projection is even more obvious. Except of course that Benghazi and Whitewater were both cleared, of course, while Trump will be in jail for centuries before they even work down the list to Yemen or emoluments.)
Poor man. Just can't get a break for all his crimes. SO unfair!
Thank you.