Presented with the utmost respect for you, Allison, someone who may easily be in my Top 3 most revered Medium writers. I'm sure you've already read this link. (It's not new, but there honestly are many of us holding a sincere belief that America will only have justice and equality when every human does):
Allison, as you know, I don't leave the house without sharing a positive message. (Since George Foreman's death, it's been almost 100% BLM, one shirt of which is my current Medium avatar.) I encounter positive feedback from people of both races, and what I can only describe as borderline disgust from overwhelmingly (but not exclusively) white folks. But I doesn't matter to this silly white man if 75% of the snarky looks came from Black Americans, I would make no changes. (Yeah, I do get it. But as a sub-poverty-line, disabled American, wearing shirts and donating (over the past five years) many thousands in donations to progressive causes. And if there are those wanting more reasons to consider me the "problem". I'm in the process of writing my will, finally. Many such white "gazelles" have died for less destructive messages than BLM. (If someone white has to say "not all white people', then their actions have either failed, or have been analyzed to soon in the social process (or both.).
Thank you from us both. Writing is often, more essential than it is easy, and you understand that great need to give of yourself.