“Religion is being used to control more and more aspects of our lives.”
Mr. Piantanida, your all too true statement is painful enough in itself, but if I may respectfully ask that you and your readers consider a minor edit that I (as a “lapsed” Christian) may be more free to make: “Christianity is being used to control more and more aspects of our lives.” At least if our lives were controlled by some group of belief systems we could hopefully expect a possibility of compromise being involved to some degree, on some occasions. (Although we’re seeing how poorly that works in Israel with essentially just two predominate faiths.)
Of course the answer is available, and in America under Drumpf is almost completely ignored. It’s called “separation of church and state”. Perhaps in actual use that would conceivably give even atheists and agnostics a voice they’re rarely had, and not recently.
Thank you.
(If I were forced to offer my personal preference it would almost certainly be Taoism. How beautiful and rare to encounter it tonight through your profile.)