Thank you for taking the time to write this great article which says more about the power and positive purpose of gaming than is common.
Perhaps this comment is only partially relevant, but as an adult gamer (61, male, gaming for about 33 years), I’d like to express my impression of a specific game that has the power, through interactive participation, to cause a player to be changed emotionally.
Though I “own” over 1,600 games on the Steam platform (thus my gaming ID for security purposes), only one game has caused me to cry out in pain through a shared experience, and made me weep through the interactions with the elderly in a senior home. A game that goes deeply into one’s heart and soul though “being” the protagonist, a man returning to his Scottish childhood home.
Beeswing, by a developer going by the name of Jack Spooner may be one of the most powerfully emotional experiences I’ve known, and certainly proof that video games are unquestionable capable of being not only great art, but wonderfully expressive examples of humanity. And more importantly perhaps, this game may have the power to change minds about why people play video games, even into their senior years. (I’m in no way affiliated, just deeply grateful for this particular object of great beauty and joy.)
Thank you again for your time.