Thank you very sincerely for your willingness to take a chance on informing someone (and using your valuable resources to do so) who is clearly armed more with opinions and dreams than with legal precedent. My accounting degree may ave included two classes in business law, know. (Disclosure: I'm the "token (despised) liberal" in this area of rural SC, and due to various pressures (incl. caring for 2 VERY elderly parents during a pandemic while surrounded on every side by Trump worshippers, on top of being 100% permanently disabled myself), I have just returned to Medium after several months during which I was taking a much needed "mental health break.")
Currently I'm stuck at a crossroads of wanting the law to offer the protections one presumes it was designed to provide, and the reality of our "new" Supreme Court. This particular occurance gave me chills that have yet to go completely away:
On top of this, I've read articles from sites I trust claiming that the Trump appointees (and little doubt, Alito and Thomas) have voted WITH the church, and against the constitution 100% of the times the possibility has arisen, while the three progressive judges have voted with the constitution 100% of the time. (If you wish, I can try to find the source(s).)
And none of these transgressions have made more than a ripple.
So while I depend on the law for protection, I wonder what that will even mean, starting........NOW.
Clearly the SC (including Alito and Thomas, both of which have stated their desire to reverse constitutionally approved same-sex marriage) wasn't acting randomly when they essentially offered every American christian the option to ignore or reverse anything they wish, essentially by simply speaking the phrase, "My religion disagrees."
And I can imagine we'll be seeing SC recusal refusal on a VERY regular basis. (Which is nothing new, considering Scalia's "press conference" in the parking lot of a Hobby Lobby store, while carrying his bag of Hobby Lobby merchandise, just prior to hearing a case concerning....well, you know.)
And since logic indicates that it will be the conservative judges that will be the greatest offenders, that's simply one more "protection" I might best no longer consider to protect me.
I sincerely wish I had more to offer someone of your apparent level of knowledge, but I fear it's mostly just more opinions and fears (which have replaced dreams, as you may have noticed. What a difference 10 minutes can make.)
Thank you.