The very man who wanted covid deaths to delay the election, and then when he failed in that endeavor, on 1/6/21 wanted Pence to be murdered (presumably by hanging) so the transfer of power would be postponed in the name of a "national emergency", now has a new strategy that's pretty obvious from a great enough distance.
That same man, having been told that he lost re-election due to covid, wants Biden to also "lose re-election due to covid."
Clearly an operation like Fox wants to be able to say during the 2022 and 2024 election campaigns, "A million (or two million, or better FIVE million) Trump supporters died of covid under Biden's watch, while almost no "libs" died. Trump created the "Trump Miracle Vaccine", and Biden used all his powers as president to prevent red states from having access, while Blue states had all they wanted!"
All it would take would be for Thump(sic) to say this once, for every Frump(sic) worshipper on Earth to believe it to the bottom of their non-existent souls.
While I have little, I'd bet it all that this evil nightmare will come true. GOPQ cares nothing about life, and everything about power. (What's a few million of the least educated/wealthy worshippers to die? Not only have they likely donated all they possibly can, but they WISH to die in support of their new god: (1:20) )
They are (sadly enough) sub-humans with no concept of empathy, and nothing they do should ever surprise us.
Thank you.