This is so reminiscent of evangelicals claiming there’s no need to worry about climate change, since “God will correct it if he wishes to”, as is said so often these days to almost appear as Christian dogma. I suppose they mean to say that in the same manner God is “fixing” America’s so-called liberal agenda, he(?) can also fix climate change. (And in some twisted method devoid of all logic, Trump seems to be their same solution for both.)
But following that same Christian “logic” to its conclusion, evangelicals apparently feel that while God can easily protect an entire planet from destruction, “he” has no such ability to bring abortion to an end in a single nation. At least as long as one correctly presumes that the “Christian” solution to ending abortion includes the murders of abortion providers (and thus involves abandoning both the golden rule and God’s very own prohibition against murder in “his” Ten Commandments.)
If God actually made these choices (including placing Jesus here to deliver a message of love and caring) Trump would yet to receive the first Christian vote.