Wanna Know Just How DUMB Trump Is?

foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)
2 min readApr 8, 2024


Trump is S-O-O dumb; he apparently thinks that federal judges want their families’ safety to be at risk.

Why else would Trump threaten federal judges’ families at the same time he wants his trials delayed!?

He apparently thinks:

1) Judges love the attention Trump gives them with threats and insults, and are even willing to lose a family member or two as long as their names will continue to be spoken by Trump. (After all, he found out from Covid that millions of Americans are happy to lose loved ones to trumpignorance. Why should federal judges be any different?)

2) Judges will delay Trump’s trials in order to extend the time in which family members will be threatened, and possibly harmed…because it’s fun! (For him, and that’s all that matters, right?)

3) Trump believes he is a trendsetter in how legal matters are resolved in America, and with threats and insults he can win each and every issue. (It always worked at Studio 54!)

4) Trump more greatly values the opportunity to insult innocent people than he values his freedom and possible exoneration. (Especially when he gets to rob his biggest fans in the process! What good is it to have ignorant followers if you don’t take every opportunity to prove just how stupid they are?)

5) Trump has to have something to whine about at MAGA rallies, and he certainly can’t start telling the truth at this late stage.

6) Trump is actually, literally addicted to being an asshole.

Your guess is as good as mine (I’m leaning toward #6), but none of these are choices that should be made by a world leader (or a sewer worker, which is a far more noble profession than whatever it is that Trump is doing.)

Thank you.

[EDIT 4/8/24] — I bet few people had “Trump sues his own judge” on their Trump bingo card…but we should all have figured that was coming. I guess he finally realized that promoting violence against federal judges didn’t actually put money in his pocket…from any source not already sending him their kid’s inheritance. But suing a judge? Yeah, if only to prove we’re all living in Trump’s America.



foofaraw & Chiquita (ARF!)

100% UNPAID writer, because I must. Liberal for life (so far!) FYI-If I see only a reply (and don’t know the name), I have to presume it’s from a troll. Sorry..