What serendipitous chance it is that I’ve come across your interesting and informative article at a time when I have questions you may be very qualified to answer (should you wish to take the time to do so, of course.)
I’m a cis white male who knows far less about gender issues than I wish to know. A couple of times over the past few days I’ve commented on Medium that possibly the best way to begin an adversarial debate (such as with a troll on Medium) about gender (and transgender, truth be told) is to ask one’s opponent to define intersex. My premise being that if the opposition fails to know the term, it will seem to speak badly for their position (and society in general, tragically.) But if they take the time to look it up, they may learn something of great value that may conceivably have the effect of opening their mind.
I know next to nothing of gender beyond what I’ve learned growing up in America for 65 years while having had a great many LGBTQ friends. (But none that I know were intersex. I myself required hormone shots in my late teens, as even at 17 puberty had not occurred.) What I mean is not that for someone to be trans, they need be born intersex. (As well, I am sweating out how to not sound as if I am calling you “trans”, when I simply mean to refer to you as “an expert on intersex issues”.) I simple mean to imply that even the most hurtful wrong-wing(sic) talking point of “only two genders” is not even remotely true, and therefore trans issues may have causes and influencers that they may also be unaware of. (Even in their (yawn) infinite wisdom...)
Would it be accurate for me to continue this point, or is it a display of nothing more than my ignorance?
Please, I’d rather hear the truth than not, if you feel to be in a position, or if you are of a desire to provide clarification.
I feel as though the more I say, the bigger hole I’m digging for myself, so I’ll respectfully stop now….
A remarkable article, Merely, and one I hope gets great traction.
Thank you.